Silvana Della Camera

How-to: Capturing the Aurora

We are entering a wonderful time to experience the aurora close to home. Learn how to plan and photograph this most beautiful and elusive event. Our Sun is currently increasing its activity, which is evident from the appearance of numerous…

Shaken, not Stirred

As the title may suggest, I am a fan of Bond films (an acute understatement). I’ve viewed every single Bond film, numerous times over. Each time I revisit one, I see something I have missed before, even though I am completely engrossed from…

A Look Back at the Great North American Solar Eclipse

I was waiting for this eclipse for ages. I've taken photos of many partial eclipses, but I've never had the chance to see totality. There were other total eclipses in North America, but they never happened when I was free. Luckily, this one was special, as it was close to my home. Seeing this phenomenon was unlike anything else I've ever experienced. It was truly magnificent in action.

How-to: Busting the Mental Blockage

What do you struggle with in your photography? Is it difficult to pick up your camera and dedicate time to explore and push your capabilities forward? Or are you in the other camp, photographing constantly but hitting the doldrums in your art? Like anything else we do, investing time is required to become proficient and with this, boredom can set in. If you are proficient in using your camera and it’s not in your hands as often as it once was, it is time to reassess your photographic vision. Likewise, if you aren’t proficient with your camera yet it is time to tackle the barriers.
Silvana Della Camera

A Look Back at 2023

Another blink, another year gone. It seems like each year increases its speed exponentially thus increasing my panic of not jamming enough into the allotted 365 days. Time is infinite, my existence is not. 2023 had many moments of extremes,…

How-to: Capture Enchanting December

December. The month of the year blazes with colorful lights as the length of daylight approaches its shortest duration. A perfect time to experiment with camera settings and get creative with your photography! You can take advantage of colorful…
Silvana Della Camera

Printing an Image makes it a Photograph

Think I am nuts? Maybe, but take a moment and ponder about it. Back in the day of film, once you processed your roll, you ended up with something physical. Whether it was prints or slides, you always had the physical product in your…

How to: Photograph a Solar Eclipse

We have an annular eclipse coming up as well as the “North American” eclipse in April 2024. The following how-to applies to any solar eclipse, not just the ones noted. It also applies to anytime you wish to photograph the Sun. The Sun is…
Silvana Della Camera

Gear Review – Variable Infrared Filter

I have been playing with a variable infrared filter of late. I came across it on Amazon and it intrigued me. At first, I thought it was one of the many mislabeled items on Amazon, but I clicked on the item to see what it all about. This…
Silvana Della Camera

X-Ray Vision at Night

Infrared gives us X-ray vision. Well sort of. It allows us to see past our own narrow (pathetic) bandwidth. It is perfect for night photography. You may think this is an oxymoron. Infrared is normally viewed as photography under a blazing sun,…