Veiled Full Moon

How-to: Moon Photography – Like a Big Pizza Pie

There is something magical about photographing the Moon. It's a perfect subject for a photographer. It's always there. It's always changing. For me, it never gets boring. I stalk the Moon every chance I get. The first time I photographed…
Cloud StacksSilvana Della Camera

Tripping (over) the Clouds Fantastic

Sometimes you are given lemons. Luckily I love lemonade and tend to make a lot of it. This was a night comprised of a large basket of lemons. It was supposed to be a clear night and a full moon, so I set off to shoot a time-lapse at…

Filter Fumble

Photographic filters are fantastic. They alter the light and allow for great photographic creativity. They are also a pain in the posterior. For a long time, I would do my best to avoid using them. Multi-stop ND filters in particular…

Glimpsed Actualities

Ever wonder if you are missing something when looking at a scene? I'm not talking about missing "the shot", I'm talking about the imperceptible. We humans have pretty limited eyesight. We see a slim sliver of the electromagnetic spectrum…

A (Large) Grain of Salt

I've been on my photographic journey for as long as I remember. My earliest memories revolve around holding a camera. It has stalled at various times in my life, but I have always returned to it, subsequently veering onto another path of visualization. My…
Silvana Della Camera

Dump the Color

Say what? You read that right. Dump the color. As photographers, we wallow in beautiful colors. We experience euphoria when a colorful sunrise or sunset smacks our retinas. We have a collective feeding frenzy as we feast our eyes and cameras…