2025 Celestial Happenings
At the beginning of the year, I load up my calendar with the celestial happenings that are coming up. These include planet events, lunar and solar eclipses, meteor showers, expected […]
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But we are proud to say that Silvana Della Camera contributed 45 entries already.
At the beginning of the year, I load up my calendar with the celestial happenings that are coming up. These include planet events, lunar and solar eclipses, meteor showers, expected […]
Time. A simple word that has speed that ever increases. I feel like I just posted A Look Back at 2023 and here I am again, now looking back at […]
Winter offers spectacular, delicate beauty to be photographed. The challenge for photographing winter is not the cold temperatures but the fleeting window to acquire a successful capture. Snowfall can quickly […]
One of the things that you often hear is that you can create art with any camera that you have, even your phone. Yes, this is true. However, there is […]
The developers of PlanIt! have added a great feature to the Pro version of the app. You can now previsualize a shot with an aurora. Say what? How can you […]
Who? Viltrox is a relatively new player in the realm of third-party (relatively) low-cost lenses. They’ve been around since 2009 and their visibility is increasing thanks to the quality, especially […]
The Comparison This review is for the Nikon mirrorless Z mount specifically, however it applies to all the various camera mounts Rokinon offers. I have owned the F Mount version […]
The Discovery I recently went on a photography trip to Oregon. I accumulated over four thousand images including several time-lapse sequences shot over a week. When I returned, I copied […]
As a photographer, my world revolves around the capture of a moment. A frozen sliver of time. For me, this quote, by the master Dorothea Lange sums it up: “Photography […]
We are entering a wonderful time to experience the aurora close to home. Learn how to plan and photograph this most beautiful and elusive event. Our Sun is currently increasing […]