Silvana Della Camera

Gear Review – Variable Infrared Filter

I have been playing with a variable infrared filter of late. I came across it on Amazon and it intrigued me. At first, I thought it was one of the many mislabeled items on Amazon, but I clicked on the item to see what it all about. This…
Silvana Della Camera

X-Ray Vision at Night

Infrared gives us X-ray vision. Well sort of. It allows us to see past our own narrow (pathetic) bandwidth. It is perfect for night photography. You may think this is an oxymoron. Infrared is normally viewed as photography under a blazing sun,…
Silvana Della Camera

A Photographer is a Painter (in reverse)

A couple of years ago, I had a table at a Christmas fair selling photographs printed on a variety of media including fine art prints. I overheard someone commenting on the price of the prints. She remarked to her friend that she didn't understand…

AI – The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

AI. Artificial Intelligence. It’s everywhere these days. AI is defined as the simulation of human intelligence by software-coded heuristics. Heuristics are the strategies derived from previous experiences with similar problems. Boxed…

How to Photograph Carnival Lights

When was the last time you went to a carnival? You know, the traveling show you looked forward to as a kid that marked the start of summer. Yes, they are noisy, loud, and crowded but prime fodder for photographing a variety of whirling multi-colored…

Night Filters: To Filter or Not Filter, that is the Question

Night Filters. What are they? What do they do? Do they really work? There are different perspectives on these filters. Some feel that they don’t really function, but simply cast a blue cast on an image. Others feel they do perform a function,…
Star trailsSilvana Della Camera

How to Photograph Star Trails

Images with star trails are captivating. They are also easy to accomplish and can be created most anywhere, even in a light-polluted city or your own backyard. Creating a star trail image is a great way to get started in astrolandscape photography.…

How to Photograph an Astrolandscape

Night photography is a challenge in many ways. Our night vision is quite pathetic so we need to lean (heavily) on our cameras to tell us how much light is actually available. Luckily, digital cameras see really well in the dark so this becomes…
Rethink Photo Processing Options

Rethink Photo Processing Options

When we think about photo processing software, Photoshop and Lightroom immediately come to mind. These are great tools and I have been using Photoshop and Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) for many years. Usually, they are part of my main workflow. Having…

Winter: Are you a hibernator or forager?

If you live in areas where cold temperatures, snow, and ice are the components, the very word may invoke distaste, dread, or delight. Like other mammals, some humans hibernate, while others continue foraging through the winter season. Which…