How to: Create a Moonrise Timelapse

An image of a full Moon is enchanting. However, a moonrise timelapse leaves enchanting behind and gives the viewer a visceral kick in the head. A moonrise can be a challenge to photograph, especially when the Moon is full and rises after…

Gear How-to – Benro Polaris Astro Setup

The Benro Polaris Astro is an amazing "smart" tripod head. I am very happy with the abilities of this amazing tool. When I purchased it, I discovered that that wasn't a lot of information on the setup. The manual isn't great, not unlike any…

Gear Review – Focus on Stars Filter

Photographers always have their eye and ear out for a gadget to help make a task easier. It is often a quest not unlike the search for the Holy Grail. Photography is a combination of artistic creativity with often high technical requirements.…
Silvana Della Camera

In Search of the Pinpoint Star

This is probably the most difficult part of an astro photograph. It doesn't matter if we are talking about astrolandscapes or deep space photography, the perfectly focused pinpoint star is a challenge. It's almost an oxymoron given that…

Gear Review – Benro Polaris Astro 3-Axis Tripod Head

Someone got into my brain and designed my dream tripod head. As an astrolandscape, time-lapse, and deep-space photographer this new ,Benro Polaris Astro 3-Axis tripod head does all that I need and then some. This device tracks stars (with the…

How-to: Get Moving (aka ICM)

As in moving your camera. I recently held a photo walk that revolved around intentional camera movement, also known as ICM. As we practiced ICM, it occurred to me why it is sometimes difficult to get going with ICM. As photographers,…

All the Noise Noise Noise Noise…

Camera noise. It is the nature of high ISO but it's nothing you need to be afraid of. You may actually stifle your photography by avoiding its use. As an astrolandscape and infrared photographer, I can't avoid noise. Infrared is a noisy…

How to: Peaked Focus

One of my favorite features of my camera is focus peaking. It is a feature that some cameras have that helps you achieve sharp focus when using manual lenses or focusing on a scene that the camera is struggling with due to low lighting…
Dew heater

Gadgetmania (Part 2)

Photography is one of those crafts that can span the extremes when it comes to accessories. Technically all you need is a camera to create a photograph. Yes, there is the vision of the photographer that is the driving force, but we are talking…

Gadgetmania (Part 1)

Some women love shoes. I love gadgets. Especially photography gadgets. I'm not talking cameras - though they are in a category of mania all their own. I'm talking about all the other periphery. Sure, a camera and tripod are the basis for…