A Look Back at 2024
Time. A simple word that has speed that ever increases.
I feel like I just posted A Look Back at 2023 and here I am again, now looking back at 2024. Yikes!
We don't often ponder all the moments we experience in a year until we look back…

Photographing Winter Magic: From Snowflakes to Night Skies
Winter offers spectacular, delicate beauty to be photographed. The challenge for photographing winter is not the cold temperatures but the fleeting window to acquire a successful capture. Snowfall can quickly become a salt inundated mess…

Cakes and Cars
One of the things that you often hear is that you can create art with any camera that you have, even your phone.
Yes, this is true. However, there is another perspective to consider.
Often people feel that it's their abilities that hold…

How To: Planning an Aurora Image with PlanIt! Pro
The developers of PlanIt! have added a great feature to the Pro version of the app. You can now previsualize a shot with an aurora.
Say what? How can you plan an aurora shot when the aurora is such an elusive event? It's called planning…

Gear Review: Viltrox 16mm f/1.8 Z
Viltrox is a relatively new player in the realm of third-party (relatively) low-cost lenses. They've been around since 2009 and their visibility is increasing thanks to the quality, especially their glass for Astro landscape photography.…

Gear Review: Rokinon Z 14mm f/2.8 Lens
The Comparison
This review is for the Nikon mirrorless Z mount specifically, however it applies to all the various camera mounts Rokinon offers.
I have owned the F Mount version of the Rokinon 14mm lens for almost 10 years. This lens…

Backing Up Data – Is your data really protected?
The Discovery
I recently went on a photography trip to Oregon. I accumulated over four thousand images including several time-lapse sequences shot over a week. When I returned, I copied the raw files from my two cameras to an external drive.…

How to: Create a Timelapse
As a photographer, my world revolves around the capture of a moment.
A frozen sliver of time.
For me, this quote, by the master Dorothea Lange sums it up: “Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.”…

How to Photograph the Aurora
We are entering a wonderful time to experience the aurora close to home. Learn how to plan and photograph this most beautiful and elusive event.
Our Sun is currently increasing its activity, which is evident from the appearance of numerous…

Shaken, not Stirred
As the title may suggest, I am a fan of Bond films (an acute understatement). I’ve viewed every single Bond film, numerous times over. Each time I revisit one, I see something I have missed before, even though I am completely engrossed from…